Dr. Janet Fish is a trailblazer in national security, renowned for her pioneering role as the first female U.S. Sea Marshal in Alameda, California. Her career took a critical turn following the events of September 11, 2001, when she was tasked with thwarting terrorist activities at sea. Collaborating extensively with various governmental agencies, she ensured the safety of vital maritime vessels and routes. This exemplary service led her to a distinguished role with the FBI as a senior counterterrorism analyst, focusing on Osama Bin Laden. Dr. Fish received the FBI’s Highest Performance Award in 2007 for her exceptional work in Threat Information Management.
In 2012, she embarked on a groundbreaking doctoral research program in Maryland and Massachusetts, focusing on the threats posed by global pandemics through both intentional and unintentional delivery methods. Her research has reached audiences in over 18 countries, highlighting her profound expertise and foresight in addressing biological threats.