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Karen Cortell Reisman, M.S.: Albert Einstein, a Relative’s Theory on Handling Life’s Craziness

Karen Cortell Reisman, Founder of Speak For Yourself® and author of two books, teaches audiences how to “Speak For Yourself!” She's spoken in 35 states, Canada, Germany and China. Just before the pandemic she was invited by Hebrew University in Jerusalem – that was co-founded by Albert Einstein – to speak to their Board of Governors, and be a part of an international press conference on Einstein.

She writes a blog, speaks on a radio show, and is a former President of the National Speakers Assoc — N. Texas Chapter.

September 22

Meredith Bell: Strong for Performance - Create a Coaching Culture with Training Programs That “Stick”

October 6

Todd Cherches: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking and Visual Communication