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GGBC 4/27 on Zoom- Rusty Gaillard: Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions

The most important resource you have is your time and attention. The problem is, as you progress in your career and through life, you have increasing demands and you get spread thinner. The very thing that powered your success earlier in life, your ability to concentrate your full effort behind a few priorities, is diminished. The only option that remains is to invest more and more of your time working. 

There is another way. The real problem is not a lack of time. Even the most successful people in the world have the same 24 hours in a day: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, the President. The real problem is that smart people often make bad decisions, especially at work. From allocating your time to handling contentious situations, your decisions are the difference between success and failure.

In this talk, we’ll explore why smart people make bad decisions, and three tools for making better decisions.

Former Worldwide Director of Finance at Apple, Rusty Gaillard followed a traditional corporate path to success - from GE under Jack Welch, an MBA at Stanford, to 13 years at Apple. He left the corporate world in 2019 when his external success no longer felt like personal success. Rusty now works as an executive coach for C-suite leaders looking for more success without more sacrifice. 

Rusty lives in Silicon Valley with his wife and 15-yr old son. He is a best-selling author, speaker, musician, and spends as much time as possible outside. 

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