Elizabeth Glynn - Competing in a Globalized World: Exporting as a Path for Business Growth
I logged-on this morning right on time at 6:40AM and waiting for me were all three of the usual suspects, Tony Woodall, Arlen Kertz and Hedy Kaveh plus Bert Hill. We were immediately joined by Tim Durkin. Doesn’t Hedy have an excuse for the next four meetings because it’s Ramadan? Yes, but since a tempting breakfast isn’t a part of the GGBC now, Hedy doesn’t have to worry about breaking his fast. I asked Arlen why he wasn’t wearing his beret, as his head is still “too shiny”. Arlen quickly got up to get his beret but did mention I could use a hat as well since my head is as every bit as “shiny” as his. Our speaker, Elizabeth Glynn joined us at 7:10AM. I’m always happy when the speaker shows up a bit early, which eliminates any “where’s the speaker” anxiety for the Speakers Chair.
This morning’s pre-meeting conversation started with the state of air travel, since Hedy mentioned the International Terminal is still a ghost town. Although the domestic terminals are pretty crowded. Hedy also is having a problem with the airport’s non-destination passengers, who keep moving the chairs away from Triptel’s kiosk. Maybe Hedy should move his kiosk over to the one of the domestic terminals. Non-destination passengers? That’s what BART calls homeless people who are riding its trains for shelter and not transportation. Bert Hill didn’t get any grief this week about his creepy fellow Board member, Dominic Foppoli. Instead he got a bunch of complaints about the toll charges to cross the bridge. In defense of Bert and his District, the maximum auto toll for the Golden Gate is $8.70. Compare that with the George Washington Bridge toll that will set you back fifteen bucks. Of course, fifteen bucks is a small price to pay to escape Fort Lee, New Jersey. Where was President Craig Adams? Having computer problems. So, he had to go to plan B and use his mobile device. Problem with that is; Zoom will only display four participants per screen. It’s too bad as President Craig was well prepared this morning and even had our yellow rubber chicken at the ready. Second Vice President Tony Woodall was enlisted to run the meeting and did so admirably.
Even with his computer problems, President Craig was ready to go at 7:20AM and had Bert Hill bang our artillery shell cup at 7:23AM. Only a minute later than last week. At the start of this morning’s program there were sixteen participants on-line and by the time President Craig called GGBC Zoom meeting number fifty-eight, or GGBC meeting 3,659 to order, there were thirty-one.
We had only two guests this morning. Patricia Fripp hosted Brian Head, here for his fifth meeting. Brian also joined us early, even before his host. President Craig’s guest was Bob Bednarz, the host of Bob’s Coffee Chat. This week’s topic is “Economics of the Climate Crisis” presented by our own John Mathers. Unfortunately, the program is this coming Friday at 10:45AM. Well before you’re going to see this column in our bulletin for next week.
Excuses requested for this morning; both from President Craig. Anastasia Lipske is spending a few days at a horse ranch. Derek Arden has a previous commitment that precludes his attendance.
This week’s Zoom background highlights: Tony Woodall and Arlen Kertz were using Antonio White official GGBC branded backgrounds. Tony had the popular “Woodcarving” and Arlen stuck with the Golden Gate Bridge taken from China Beach. Tim Durkin had a new shot of the Golden Gate Bridge from the bluffs at the Marin Headlands, featuring a custom motorcycle. I asked Tim if that was his motorcycle? Nope. Turns out Tim gets at least sixty photos a week that are suitable for Zoom backgrounds and this one was included in the latest batch. And the Golden Gate Bridge is featured in many of those photos. This questions was posed to the membership; what’s the most iconic landmark in America? For the West Coast; the Golden Gate Bridge. For the East Coast, the Statue of Liberty. Reg Young stayed in Cancun with a shot overlooking the Via Del something. Reg wasn’t sure of the full name.
President Craig started with a new shot of the Golden Gate Bridge taken at dawn from the headlands with a fog bank below the deck. Unfortunately, after his computer quit, President Craig switched to a green screen. Speaker Elizabeth Glynn’s background, first featured when she was a guest, was the Vincent Thomas Bridge, which spans the entrance to the Port of San Pedro. Elizabeth took the picture herself from the cab of one of the port’s towering container cranes. I decided to go international for the first time ever to mark a sad occasion. On April 13th, Transport for London announced it was formally discontinuing Heritage Bus Route #15H. The last route to operate the iconic AEC Model RM Routemaster double deck buses. The service was actually suspended at the beginning of the pandemic. The Routemasters were killed off by a combination of system-wide COVID reduced ridership, the need for a two-person crew (driver and conductor), non-compliance with ULEZ and Euro VI engine standards, their rear open platform which is considered a passenger safety hazard and they didn’t have a wheelchair lift or ramp. Photo credit to Nigel Howard of The Evening Standard.
This photo prompted Patricia Fripp to point out the passengers waiting to board the bus. They are all lined up and climbing aboard in an orderly fashion, which is known as “queuing up.” At least twenty people are in the process of boarding. As Fripp says, “the British know how to stand in line.” As opposed to here in America where it’s generally every man or every woman for him or herself. Although, I will say that SamTrans bus riders are generally far more polite than our Caltrain riders.
Back in this column for February 24th, both Hedy Kaveh and Tony Woodall announced they were booking trips. Hedy was going to Paris on April 1st and Tony was taking a Mediterranean cruise in August. General consensus was that Hedy was being overly confident in his booking, but Tony was far more prudent in booking for August. Well, maybe not. Tony’s cruise has been cancelled.
Two months ago Gary McKinsey adopted a puppy. He ordered a harness from Chewey.com. The harness was too small though and Gary wanted to return it. Chewey said, “donate the harness to your local animal rescue and we’ll send you a bigger one. Oh, and can you send us a photo of your pup?” That’s some good customer service.
It’s almost April and Randall Reeder says it’s snowing in Ohio. Randall put in a plug for Brian Wagner’s “A Radical Vision” podcast.
We have Frippettes and Frippers, but Rich Wank says he’s a Taischette. Rich woke up during the night and his heart didn’t attack him, so he’s pretty happy this morning.
Susan Roane suggests you check out “Immersive Van Gogh” at SVN West at Market Street and South Van Ness Avenue. This afternoon Susan and Jim Prost are taking Frippto the museum for her birthday.
The weather is really nice in Bellingham, Washington. Good weather for flying, so Tana Hope will be soon be taking off. Tana must be happy with her GGBC membership because she paid her dues for two years.
Just about forty hours ago, Steve Shain’s new Grandson emerged from the womb at seven pounds, eleven ounces. So, congratulations are in order for Steve and Cathy. We’ll offer congratulations to Steve’s Daughter and Son-in-Law too. Mostly to his Daughter though who did all the heavy lifting. Which includes carrying and pushing.
This week’s movie recommendation from Betty Taisch; “After Antarctica.” This is a documentary that follows the legendary polar explorer Will Steger’s life journey as he sees and experiences the greatest changes to the polar regions of our planet. Betty’s walk for today was 5.7 miles.
Also, don’t forget our next GGBC cocktail party, or “Booze with Betty”, will be on Tuesday, April 27th, on Zoom from 5:00-6:00PM. You can use the same link for our regular meetings to gain access.
So, Tim Durkin says a Priest, a Minister and a rabbit walk into a blood bank. They are each asked, “what is your blood type?” The rabbit says, “obviously, I’m a typo.”
Since most of the COVID restrictions have been lifted, Marty Mijalski decided to get a haircut. Marty asked his female stylist to make him look sexy. So, she went into the bar next door and got drunk.
President Craig was talking to his brother in Australia and they got to talking about if anything were to happen to them, what should the other do. President Craig said, “if anything were to happen to me I want you to put my brain into a robot.” His brother replied, “that’s going to be a pretty small robot.”
Looks like President Craig will get to retain the rubber chicken.
For our newer members, here’s a bit of an explanation regarding the GGBC rubber chickens. Yes, chickens. There are two. A regular yellow chicken and the Golden Chicken, which is actually mounted on a wooden plaque. The yellow chicken is awarded to the member who tells the worst joke of the day. It is not awarded at every meeting though, as the joke has to be really bad. The Golden Chicken, crafted by Sidney Mobellusing the finest gold spray paint available, is awarded only for exceptionally good or bad jokes. Unfortunately, the golden chicken is stashed away in the official, highly secure, GGBC closet at the Marines’ Memorial.
Other than Patricia Fripp’s birthday, which was on Sunday and celebrated last week, Reg Young did not have any other member birthdays for this week. We do have some non-member birthdays though. Sharing Fripp’s birthday; one of the lesser Kardashians, Kourtney. On Tuesday; George Takei AKA Mr. Sulu from Star Trek. Today; Queen Elizabeth. On Thursday; Jack Nicholson. And on Friday, proving they didn’t skimp the parts, the Six Million Dollar Man, Lee Majors turns 82 and Last Week Tonight’s, where I get most of my news, John Oliver.
After last week’s meeting ran late, President Craig was able to wrap up this morning’s program a full ten minutes early.
I would also like, one day in advance, to wish everyone a Happy Earth Day.
I am saddened to mark the passing of Felix Silla this past Friday at the age of 84. Who was Felix Silla? He was the actor who portrayed the mumbling and completely hair covered Cousin Itt on the “Addams Family”. No relation to President Craig only one “D” Adams.