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Susan RoAne: Don’t Make Me Go Chicago on You!

GGBC's No.1 Mover, Shaker, and Best Selling author of “How To Work A Room”, Susan RoAne shares how growing up in Chicago contributed to her Big Boss outlook on life. In this all-new talk with GGBC past president, Antonio White, Susan will reveal:

  • How her mother escaped "getting whacked" during a real-life mafia hit

  • Her first taste of a legit "shakedown" in Elementary School

  • How Chicago's legendary Mayor Daley influenced her leadership style

  • Her education on putting “Thumbs on the scale”, “Kickbacks” and “Pay-Offs”

  • How all the above prepared her to become a grade-school teacher in the San Francisco Unified School District

Join us (if you know what's good for you) for a raucous, candid, good time about growing up in gritty Chi-Town and how a windy-city gal made herself at home in the flower-power era of San Francisco.

Thinking about missing this meeting? Fuggedaboutit!

October 6

Todd Cherches: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking and Visual Communication

October 20

Richard Corriea: Aging Purposefully: A Strategic Approach to Growing Older & Planning for Your Desired Future