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June 12th: Charlotte Kemp, Exponential Thinking for Exponential Times - Grasping the opportunities available to us in an accelerating world 

Linear, local thinking has no place in a quantum, global world. We need new ways to approach a world that is exponentially faster and more intricately connected than ever before. We must discard old models and seek and embrace new thinking. Without that change, we run the risk of effectively leading our organizations into ruin.

Charlotte Kemp is the President of the Global Speakers Federation, an author and a futurist. She is fascinated about how we humans develop our thinking to be first innovative, and then have to find ways to keep up with our own innovations. 

June 5

June 5th: Allison Tabor: Communicating with Style; Understanding Communication Styles

June 19

June 19th: Steve Taddei, “Stories from the Journey to Integrate Baseball”