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Andy Lopata: Just Ask, Why Seeking Support is Your Greatest Strength

The challenges of the last year have brought to the forefront the need to allow others to support us, both personally and professionally. But it still isn’t easy or natural for many.

Being transparent and comfortable sharing vulnerability with the right people, in the right way, allows us to enhance not just our sense of wellbeing but also our creativity, productivity, mental resilience and the likelihood of achieving our goals.

In Just Ask, Andy Lopata will explore the change in mindset needed to embrace the support of our networks and the power of doing so. He will look at the importance of being vulnerable, what stops us from doing so, and some simple steps to share with confidence and ease.

October 20

Richard Corriea: Aging Purposefully: A Strategic Approach to Growing Older & Planning for Your Desired Future

November 3

Anna Chouteau: Stories From The Campaign Trail